Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What does the future hold for baby Maxwell?

Here's an example of a media piece related to education that's not from an education source (from your assignments... remember?)


Anything sound familiar? 

Baby Maxwell will need to be a_a_ _ _ _ e?

1 comment:

  1. Baby Maxwell will need to adaptable! I'm 59 and my world view as a high schooler was so rigid and ethnocentric, it makes me laugh. There are many more ways than one to "skin a cat" and the more open-minded and flexible you are, the better. He needs to be Internet literate and possess Emotional Intelligence (EQ, which I think is much more predictive of success/happiness than IQ...). The explosion of Facebook proves people still want and need connection, even in an "I can work from home in my pajamas and total isolation" world. He also needs to have his parents relax: going to the right school in the right zip code to get to the Ivy League is over-rated. He needs his 21st century learning backpack and then go climb trees and explore the world.
