Monday, October 25, 2010

Resources for Elementary teachers/students

Audience Participation... I'll get you started.

Here's a link to Top 10 Web 2.0 Tools for Young Learners....

Add your favorite resources- websites, blogs, even books, articles, humans... as a comment below


  1. Can't wait to use some these tools in my classroom. Great info!

  2. What do you think about this?
    Brilliance in a Box
    What do the best classrooms in the world look like?

  3. Yea! I just got a projector in my classroom last week, this is wonderfully useful to me! :)

  4. Educational Origami- very rich resource. Lots of good stuff about Bloom's Taxonomy in the digital age. There are also PDFs of learning strategies for getting started using different tools like blogs, etc. AND even some RUBRICS for evaluating student work in electronic tools, like blogs. There's a lot to explore, but it's definitely worth going there...

  5. With the technology our district has provided for faculty and students, these sites should provide some great ideas to incorporate into curriculum.

  6. These are some really great tools! My principal and district really stress the use of technology but NEW tools are not always offered, we have to seek them out. These are some I was not familiar with at all.I'd love to incorporate several of them into my classroom.

  7. I am still searching for ways to use technology, particularly social networking, with children who have profound disabilities. I found a resource that might help: the URL is
