Arvind Gupta is an Indian toy inventor and popularizer of science for kids. Creating simple toys out of trash and everyday goods, he illustrates principles of science and design in a memorably hands-on fashion. He works at the Children's Science Centre in Pune, India.
He's the author of numerous books available in English, Hindi and other Indian languages, including Little Toys, Science from Scrap, and Science Skills & Thrills: The Best of Arvind Gupta. His Low-Cost Equipment for Science and Technology Eduction is available as a PDF download through UNESCO. Many of his toy designs are explained in one-minute films >>
Here's a TED talk by Arvind
And (if you haven't gone there already) is his wonderful website where he shares his ideas-
Dear Mr Gupta, I'm a 46-year old man living in South Africa who has just learned to multiply for the first time using that deceptively simple method you described ( Thank you. I started out looking for 'The Man Who Planted Trees' as we have a desperate crisis on this planet at the moment due to a dire lack of trees, and that book, film etc. is one of the most vivid teaching aids I've ever come across. Thanks again. Having found that I wanted to contact you to thank you when I came across your toys! What Joy! I have a son who is six years old. We couldn't afford to send him to school this year, but he is very bright and will enjoy playing with the toys you have designed. I am going to pay this forward for sure. Thanks again and may your teachings spread throughout the world!