Hot off the Press- 33 Educators talk about their PLNs
The Getaflipchart post right after this one has a wonderful list of suggestions for summer resource searching that was shared with Forums 21 and 22 in June. DON'T MISS IT!!!
Overcome your fear/hate/confusion of Twitter...
Regardless if you already have a Twitter account or are simply curious what the hype is about this post is for you! The links below can help you understand and/or share the message regarding Twitter’s influence on the professional growth of educators and the learning of students.
Video – Assignment Education – Twitter and Education
Twitter as a PLN
Tiny Bursts of Learning
Using Twitter as a Professional Development Tool
50 Ideas Using Twitter For Education
Tweeting for Teachers
Some BLOG suggestions-
The Edublog awards -
A List of Top 200 Education Blogs -
A few of many, many, many places to find tools for learning...
"google" Free Technology for Teachers
As you discover more resources, add them to the "comment" section of this post so your fellow Forum 23 PLN pilgrims can visit them as well!
Happy hunting!